Odds Compiling

at Football Radar

Our Odds Compilers sit at the sharp end of the betting advice pipeline. It’s their responsibility to interpret and tweak the output of our proprietary trading model before advising our clients on where to find value in the betting markets. League specific football expertise, a rational mindset and an ability to make decisions under pressure are all essential attributes for the role.

Odds compiling

Football Radar covers leagues from across the globe, and so the role isn’t your normal nine-to-five. Evening and weekend work is the norm, but in return you get to work with a close-knit team of like-minded individuals who share your passion for football and sports betting. Outside of our live coverage, you’ll find the team completing analysis work, testing football hypotheses and looking for ways to improve our model and trading methods. This work isn’t micromanaged, and so Odds Compilers are free to plan their time as they want. This might mean morning 5 asides, afternoon boardgame sessions and making the most of quiet hours at the gym.

Odds compiling

We take pride in the high average tenure of our Odds Compilers, and personal development is a priority. Whether it’s improving technical skills or learning a new language, we look to support team members reaching their goals.


  • Competitive salary and participation in company bonus scheme
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • Competitive contribution match pension
  • Fully subsidised private medical insurance and health checks
  • Subsidised gym membership
  • Subsidised office meals